
Birth Trauma Awareness Week 2022

Content Warning – This blog talks frankly about different types of trauma, including birth trauma. If you are sensitive to discussing these topics, you may wish to close this blog, or prepare yourself appropriately for reading. There is information at the end of this blog on how to access support if you are affected by… Continue reading Birth Trauma Awareness Week 2022

Top 10 tips for keeping your baby safe in a heatwave!

With temperatures soaring in the UK, parents are flooding online support groups with queries about keeping their little ones safe in the heat. Infant feeding expert Charlotte Treitl shares her Top 10 tips for keeping your baby safe in a heatwave! Keep babies indoors during the hottest parts of the day There’s a reason people… Continue reading Top 10 tips for keeping your baby safe in a heatwave!

Key considerations for being inclusive in our practice (with Dr BJ Epstein Woodstein)

“We are people, with our own stories.”

Save time and simplify your business (with Joey Meily from Dubsado)

The ideal scenario is – if most, if not all of the cumbersome admin labour – how can you take that off your plate so you can focus on the core of your service?

How to reduce stress at mealtimes: fussy eating tips and strategies (with Stacey Zimmels)

You provide and they decide. You provide the meal, and you trust your child that they know when they are done. They get to choose what they want of what is on offer, and how much they want to eat.

Breastfeeding Information Roundup!

Here is a quick round-up of some of our most popular breastfeeding related posts so you can access everything (or share it with someone!) quickly and easily.

overcoming imposter syndrome and creating video with confidence (with matt hughes)

Actually, in truth, the best thing you can do is get started – like, NOW! When I say now I really mean now!

What the heck is mastitis and how can it be prevented?

Often mastitis can be treated without the use of antibiotics.

How tongue tie impacts breastfeeding

A lingual frenulum is a normal part of the development of the mouth and tongue. A tongue tie is also known as ankyloglossia.

How to prepare for breastfeeding

Planning how to feed your baby is as important as planning your birth.