
Overfeeding a baby can cause reflux

Reflux can cause worry for parents.  It’s easy to understand why people think overfeeding a baby is a good idea when it's widely said that the more we feed babies, the better they sleep and the better they'll develop. 

But what are the risks of this? 

Watch this video with Infant Feeding Specialist & Lactation Consultant Shel Banks who shares insights into the risks associated with overfeeding babies.

Key points covered in the video explain that overfeeding a baby can actually cause reflux by:

  • Stretch the baby’s tummy and make the baby feel more uncomfortable.
  • Peak the baby's blood sugar and can lead to them having little drops in their blood sugar later on. 
  • Lead to obesity in later life.

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Watch this video with Infant Feeding Specialist & Lactation Consultant Shel Banks who shares insights into the risks associated with overfeeding babies.