
What your baby’s poo is telling you, and what to do about it (with Charlotte Treitl)


All parents obsess about their baby's poo at some point.

But do we need to?

Charlotte is an IBCLC Lactation Consultant and poo enthusiast. She has been supporting families with infant feeding for many years, and during the COVID-19 pandemic realised quickly that parents did not have access to the resources they needed when it came to checking their baby's poo.

With swarms of misinformation to wade through, and little to no access to usual services, parents were finding it challenging to know what was normal. Charlotte's research and time supporting families during this period led to the creation of the Baby Poo Gallery! A resource that can be accessed via Facebook which shows infant poo in the many and varied forms it can come in, neatly categorised so you can easily find what you're looking for.

In today's episode, I talk to Charlotte about why poo matters, what a baby's poo may be telling you and why, and how best to support a baby with a poo issue. 

Key information shared

02:12 – What causes gut dysbiosis?
03:00 – You don't need to be an expert!
04:27 – Different types of poo
04:51 – Red flags for breastfed babies
10:00 – Red flags for formula fed babies
13:54 – What to do if you have concerns
16:22 – The Baby Poo Gallery

If you would love to connect with Charlotte you can find her below at:

On Instagram: @themilkrebel @babypoogallery

On Facebook: @themilkrebel @babypoogallery

And on her website: www.rebelmilk.co.uk

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If eyes are the window to the soul, poo is the window to the digestive system.