
Working as a Maternity Nurse

Maternity nurses support the mother and their newborn. The maternity nurse supports the mother usually within the first 4 – 8 weeks, providing support from the time she leaves hospital and helps the baby settle into a routine. Maternity nurses are generally required to work six days a week, 24 hours a day (with negotiable rest periods). Alternatively, some maternity nurses cover an 8 -12 hour period, night or day.

Maternity Nurses pay:

Pay will depend on the level of experience the Maternity Nurse has and number of children she/he is caring for.

Generally maternity pay in generally:

24hour care with a single baby:  £130-£150 (£750-£900 per week)

24hour care with multiple births: £160-£200 (£975 – £1200 per week)

 The role of the maternity nurse:

  • Providing emotional support to the family in dealing with the transition of having a new baby
  • Establishes a feeding routine with the baby (breastfeeding or using formula)
  • The maternity nurse will either feed the newborn or take the newborn to the mother to be fed
  • Supports the mother and family to feel confident in handing the newborn
  • Change and settle the baby after feeds
  • Monitor the baby's weight gain, growth and sleeping patterns
  • Many maternity nurse specials in multiple births, and in some cases provide support to distressed parents, depressed mothers
  • Maternity nurse are not required to care for older siblings, complete domestic chores unless previously agreed beforehand
  • Advise on the use of equipment

Gain a formal qualification in Maternity Nursing with Babyem

Study to become a Maternity Nurse and complete the prestigious OCN Maternity Nurse Award with Babyem (Level 3 or 4 available).Our course is delivered by one of the UK leading lactation consultants with a background in prenatal and postnatal care, and now a regular writer, and considered an expert in caring for premature babies and breastfeeding.

We also offer Maternity Nurses a free CV consultancy service, as well as work guaranteed placements. We currently work with Twins UK and NCT, and are proud to say we have supported over 100 parents!

Over 80% of our trainees have said the course and work experience has helped them to get paid employment and specialise in areas such as caring for multiples.

Babyem testimonial video

Advanced level Babyem qualifications:

Whether you are studying to become a lactation consultant, sleep trainer or simply wanting to refresh your skills you can continue your

professional development with Babyem, who provide recognized qualifications to Maternity Nurses in the UK and abroad.

Level 3 OCN Postnatal Depression Awareness Course

Learn more about how to support mothers with postnatal depression through our advanced level postnatal depression course taught by a senior clinician with experience working in acute mother and baby units.

Level 3 OCN Sleep Training

Our level 3 sleep training qualification is taught by a renowned sleep consultant, providing an indepth look at the importance of sleep for babies and toddlers, common sleep problems and practically how to address common and (less common) sleep problems.

For more information please contact Babyem on: 020 8986 9008 or email: info@babyem.co.uk.

The maternity nurse supports the mother usually within the first 4 – 8 weeks, providing support from the time she leaves hospital and helps the baby settle into a routine.