60 Seconds with…Lucy Smith, Director of Days and Dreams

After completing Babyems OCN Sleep Training course, Lucy went on to start Days and Dreams and her success is inspiring. Among running a sleep consulting business and taking care of her little girl Lucy was gracious enough to answer some questions we had for her.

Continue reading to learn how Lucy made the decision to start her business and tips to families and those in the childcare sector.

00:00 What inspired you to start Days and Dreams?

I have worked with young children and families for over 20 years and the one thing that can cause the most concern and problems within a young family is lack of sleep. I set up Days and Dreams to help families get on track and create happy, healthy and flourishing environments, which is an amazing thing to create. The difference in the child and family is quite unbelievable and usually problems are pretty quickly resolved.

00:09 What are the greatest benefits of speaking with a sleep consultant?

Support! If you choose to follow my Two Week Sleep Training Transformation plan you have me on tap for help, advice, guidance and support for the whole two weeks. The first couple of days can be hard, getting into routine and sticking with it may be a completely new way of living for some parents but I am here to help you through.

00:17 What is usually the first piece of advice you give to families who are struggling with a baby’s or child’s sleep habits?

The three key rules are:

  1. Routine
  2. Consistency
  3. Whenever possible lay your baby down to sleep awake


00:25 What is the hardest obstacle to get over when setting a child up for a new sleep schedule?

It is convincing parents to be positive when they're tired, emotional and sometimes at breaking point. It is very hard to believe that anything is going to work to get their little ones sleeping well. But, if they're positive and confident, those emotions pass on to their children and they in turn feel that new strength from their parents which aids good sleeping habits.

00:37 What advice would you give to new mums or mums-to-be about setting up a sleep schedule?

Once your baby reaches the age of needing a good routine, usually around 5 months, find what works for them and stick to it. Babies love routine, it makes them feel safe and secure, they begin to be able to read signals to understand what is expected of them at certain times of the day. Have a quick and easy naptime routine and a longer more relaxing bedtime routine. Be consistent!

00:48 What is something you wish you knew when you started in the childcare sector?

Nothing can compare to the emotion you have towards your own child/children. I was always able to empathise and thought I understood where parents were coming from when talking about the emotions connected to their children, but now having had my own baby I totally understand. It makes me better at my job!

00:55 What is your advice to aspiring sleep consultants?

Get as much experience as possible. Look for case studies of all different ages, it's the best way to learn- on the job!

Want to chat with Lucy? Click here to go to her webpage!

Be positive and confident, those emotions pass on to their children and they in turn feel that new strength from their parents which aids good sleeping habits.