
6 Ways Nannies and Maternity Nurses Can Support Breastfeeding Mums

The World Health Organisation (WHO), recommends that babies be exclusively breastfed for the first six months. The WHO also claim that “breastfeeding is one of the most effective ways to ensure a child’s health and survival.” In this article we have included ways on how Nannies and Maternity Nurses can support breastfeeding mums.

 1. Train As a Lactation Consultant

Nannies and Maternity Nurses who plan to make a career of caring for newborns as a maternity nurse can benefit greatly from becoming a certified lactation consultant. Babyem provide an accredited Breastfeeding and Infant Nutrition course accredited through Open College Network. Our Breastfeeding tutor is a Le Leache League Training Coordinator and a leading lactation consultant.

 2. Understand Breastfeeding Basics

Even Nannies and Maternity Nurses with extensive newborn experience may be new to the basics of breast milk and breastfeeding; through caregivers educating themselves on the basics of breastfeeding and breastfed babies, nannies are able to better provide the encouragement that a new mother needs.

 3. Understand how to store breast milk

Some new mothers may prefer to pump and freeze their breast milk for later use, while others may opt to store pumped milk in a fridge. Whichever method a mother may choose, nannies and maternity nurses should familiarise themselves with best practices for preparation and storage. For example, frozen breast milk should never be microwaved, which can both destroy nutrients and lead to hot spots that can burn the delicate tissues of a baby’s mouth.

 4. Provide Emotional Support and Encouragement

Returning to work after the birth of a child is an emotional time for a new mother, which can be amplified if a breastfeeding routine was already difficult for the mother and baby to establish. One of the most important things that the nanny or maternity nurse of a breastfed baby can do is to encourage her employer and offer emotional support as she begins to juggle the difficult tasks of maintaining her career and continuing to breastfeed.

 5. Record feedings

It is important to record what time feedings occur, and any other pertinent feeding information (such as spitting up). This provides a breastfeeding mother with the information she needs, but also lets her know that you’re committed to helping her achieve her breastfeeding goal.

 6. Remember you are a team

Knowing that the person caring for her child is dedicated to helping her provide the best possible nutrition for her baby can provide a new mum with the confidence and support system that she needs to maintain her career and a breastfeeding regime. Make sure that your employer knows that you’re on her team!

In this article we have included ways on how Nannies and Maternity Nurses can support breastfeeding mums.