
Why parents should know first aid?

Home Safety Facts

  • Every year there are approximately 4000 deaths as the result of a home accident. Around 120 of these are below 15 years and 1300 over 75
  • During 2002 there were 2.7 million home accidents requiring hospital treatment, of which 477,500 involved children under five
  • Children under the age of five and people over 65 (particularly those over 75) are most likely to have an accident at home
  • Falls are the most common accidents, which can cause serious injury at any time of life. Fifty-five per cent of accidental injuries in the home involve falls
  • More women than men over the age of 65 die as the result of an accident in the home
  • More accidents happen at home than anywhere else
  • Approximately 1500 people aged over 75 die annually as the result of a fall
  • Every year around 120 children under 14 die as the result of an accident in the home
  • Around 25,000 under-fives attend A&E departments each year after being accidentally poisoned
  • 26,000 under-fives are burnt or scalded in the home every year. A hot drink can still scald a small child up to 15 minutes after it is made
  • More accidents happen in the lounge/living room than anywhere else in the home.
  • Every year more than 4,200 children are involved in falls on the stairs and 4,000 children under the age of 15 are injured falling from windows
  • Boys have more accidents than girls
  •  The cost to society of UK home accident injuries has been estimated at £25,000 million annually.

Sources: Home Accident Surveillance System including Leisure activities 24th (final) Annual Report. London: Department of Trade and Industry, 2002 Data.

Would you know what to do if your child was choking? We deliver 6 hour Paediatric First Aid courses suitable for parents and carers.


60% of women say that childcare is their biggest concern when returning to work (NCT SURVEY)

As childcare specialists we understand that researching and finding the right childcare can be a time consuming and lengthy process. We also understand the importance of finding a person who will take away any concerns you may have regarding leaving your child. Through our childcare agency Families work we support parents with sourcing all types of childcare from nannies to nurseries. We are able to search for part time or full time placements and tailor our service to meet your needs.

  • We meet all candidates face to face.
  • We support parents to understand what’s the best childcare option for them based on budget, parent philosophy and life style.
  • We provide emergency childcare.
  • We have over 1,000 Ofsted registered childcare's suitable for parents accessing childcare vouchers.

As childcare specialists we understand that researching and finding the right childcare can be a time consuming and lengthy process.