
Building a business after completing the Holistic Sleep Coaching Program, with Rebecca Scott-Pillai

This week I am talking to the incredible multi-talented Rebecca Scott-Pillai!

Rebecca initially worked as a midwife, before moving into private practice. She works as an IBCLC, Holistic Sleep Coach, and newborn specialist. She is also a founding member of the Responsive Parenting Collective, a group of 5 sleep coaches all trained through Babyem. Rebecca also has two of her own children, an 8 year old girl and a 4 year old boy.

Rebecca loves supporting families and helping them meet their parenting goals. She initially struggled with breastfeeding when her first baby was born, and she soon realized that her midwifery knowledge was not enough when it came to breastfeeding. This led her to train as an IBCLC, considered the gold standard when it comes to breastfeeding support.

Over the next few years, she continued to support parents with breastfeeding, while also adapting to the challenges of parenting, including trying to work while sleep deprived! She had many clients who kept coming back to ask for sleep advice, and she really didn’t have anything better to say than “This is normal, it will pass”. She became increasingly frustrated with the polarization of sleep advice that was available to parents. There seemed to be only two options – leaving your baby to cry it out, or wait it out.

When the Holistic Sleep Coaching programme came to her attention, it ticked all the boxes – evidence based, responsive to babies, breastfeeding friendly, with an impressive catalogue of expert speakers. Rebecca qualified as a Holistic Sleep Coach in 2020 (level 6), and also was one of the founding members of the Babyem Business Academy (BBA).

Self-employed business owners usually have to become skilled in a lot of different areas, and BBA has been an excellent resource for providing the extra knowledge that is needed in marketing, social media, technology and mindset. Over the last 2 years, Rebecca has found her income increasing month on month, and currently works with around 15-20 clients at any given time.

In this blog, Rebecca talks to us about what drove her to apply for the Holistic Sleep Coaching Program and how her training allowed her career to grow since she completed the program. Rebecca is a graduate of so many Babyem courses – she has a thirst for knowledge and is driven to provide evidence based care and support to the families she works with.

What I particularly love about this conversation is how Rebecca is so clear about her business goals and understanding that sleep support, feeding support and parenting support can be so interwoven that it can be difficult to separate them when providing direct help, to the point that she has built a successful business around this multi-faceted approach.

If you're considering the Holistic Sleep Coaching Program, or need business inspiration, this blog is for you!

If you would love to connect with Rebecca Scott-Pillai you can find her below at:

On Instagram: rscottpillai_ibclc_sleepcoach

On Facebook: RebeccaScottPillaiIBCLC

On website: rebeccascottpillai.co.uk

"I can pull in all this information that I've learned over the years and create a plan that is really holistic and evidence based, because I know the science behind the issues they're experiencing" - Rebecca Scott-Pillai