
Maternity Nurse Training (MNT) from Babyem Ltd

At Babyem we offer maternity nurse training to help child carers receive maternity nurse qualifications, accredited through OCN at Level.

Nannies and Maternity Nurses can gain or refresh their baby Maternity Nurse skills with our Maternity Nurse Training (MNT).

Through attending our Maternity Nurse Training (MNT) Nannies and Maternity Nurses can boost their CV with our Maternity Training. We deliver courses including Postnatal Natal Depression Awareness, Care of Multiples, Sleep Training, Breastfeeding & Infant Nutrition, Baby Massage and the prestigious Maternity Nurse Training Award (MNT).

We support candidates who attend our Maternity Nurse Training (MNT) to write a winning Maternity CV, ensuring candidates are able to promote their skills and knowledge effectively.

We also support candidates that attend our Maternity Nurse Training (MNT) to attend work experience in order to gain confidence and practice the skills learnt through class. Maternity Nurse work experience also helps candidates to secure more high paid maternity nurse jobs. To review one candidates Maternity Nurse experience please click HERE.

Becoming a qualified maternity nurse:

Candidates who takes part in the maternity nurse training (MNT) will receive a certificate of attendance, and candidates have 5 weeks to complete course work in order to achieve the formal maternity nurse award qualification accredited at level 3 through Open College Network.

Candidates are able to go on and specialize in different areas including Postnatal Natal Depression Awareness, Care of Multiples, Breastfeeding & Infant Nutrition, Baby Massage and Sleep Training. This enables candidates to further develop their maternity skills.

All Maternity Nurse Training (MNT) takes place in Central London at the Regency Hotel in South-Kensington.

First Aid courses and Maternity Nurse Training (MNT)

At Babyem we understand the importance of child safety, and offer a range of accredited maternity training courses, nanny courses and paediatric first aid courses. All our childcare and maternity nurse courses are accredited through Open College Network.

We provide paediatric first aid training and Common Core Skills Training for nannies which is suitable for nannies who want to join the voluntary part of the OFSTED child register (VOCR). Paediatric First Aid training is also available for babysitters, au-pairs and parents – or anyone else who cares for a child and wants to know what do in case of an emergency.

Maternity Nurse Training Courses

At Babyem we have an excellent reputation for delivering accredited maternity nurse training (MNT) and Childcare Training. We deliver training for local authorities and agencies throughout the UK. All our childcare and maternity nurse training (MNT) courses take place in central London at weekends.

Our Nanny Courses, including the Common Core Skills & Knowledge Training, training address the 6 core skills areas:

  • Communicating with children, young people, their parents and carers
  • Child and young person development
  • Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of the child
  • Supporting transitions
  • Multi-agency working
  • Sharing information

Candidates can attend our common core skills & knowledge one day course, or opt to complete the distance learning course in their own time. In addition to the 6 core skills areas, we also address how to write a winning CV and how to register with Ofsted.



At Babyem we have an excellent reputation for delivering accredited maternity nurse training (MNT) and Childcare Training.