
60 Seconds with…Sarah Gerth

Sarah Gerth is an experienced senior HR professional with over 14 years experience. She now manages a business which helps professional mothers with their return to work after maternity leave, called Maternity Matters.

We are excited to welcome Sarah to Babyem to lead our Maternity Nurse Coaching Brunch on Saturday 6th February in Sloane Square. Spaces are extremely limited – if you would like to book a space, please call our office on 020 8986 or email info@babyem.co.uk.

0:00 In a nutshell who are you?

A mother of one, a stepmother of 3, a wife and a career coach for mums!

0:06 Your journey before becoming a coach?

I did an English degree, went into HR in finance for 15 years, lived in Singapore, moved back to london, got married, had a child and decided to set up my business Maternity Matters.

0:18 What inspired you to set up as a business / maternity coach?

Working in HR for 15 years and seeing how women need more support in their careers, especially once they have children and go through the maternity leave process.

0:23 How do you manage work and family?

I'm lucky, I have a part time nanny but it's still hard. I try to block out chunks of time to spend with my son, husband and on work.

0:29 What would you most like to tell yourself at age 13?

Listen to my dad more, especially when it comes to decisions on education.

0:34 What are your three most overused words/phrases?

I love you, I'm sorry and I just need a bit more sleep!

0:40 Biggest challenge that you come across for women in your work?

Being able to juggle motherhood and a career.

0:44 How do you define success?

Achieving any goal you set for yourself, however big or small.

0:50 Most enjoyable bit of what you do?

I'm writing a book at the moment called The Maternity Career coach. It should be published this Autumn and I love working on it with my editor.

1:00 Most challenging part of your job?

Explaining to mums what I do as independent Career Coaching for Mums/ coaching through the maternity leave process and return to work is still not common, outside of larger organisations. Once they understand, they realise how much it could benefit them and their career!!

What inspired you to set up as a business / maternity coach? Working in HR for 15 years and seeing how women need more support in their careers, especially once they have children and go through the maternity leave process.