
Interview with Paul Moore – Babyem’s Common Core Skills & Knowledge Training Tutor

We caught up with Paul Moore, who delivers the common core skills and knowledge training for Babyem. Paul has a diverse background working with children, having started his career working as a Manny to heading one of the UK’s largest nursery chains.

What do you do in your current day job?

I am an Operations Manager for a private nursery group in London. I support nursery managers with day to day issues which arise at the nurseries which may include dealing with parental complaints, staffing issues or improving provision for families. My role is quite diverse and sees me working alongside a range of professionals and is never dull!

Tells us a bit about your experience working as a manny? 

Before moving to London I worked in nurseries for a number of years then managed a kids club and creche at a resort in Greece. When I moved to London I really wanted to be a nanny as it felt like a ‘London thing’ for a Northerner to do! I was job hunting and interviewing for weeks before I was successful in getting my position with ‘the boys.’ I’m glad I was selective with taking a job as there were roles which I was offered but turned down as they didn’t feel right. Overall, my experience as a ‘manny’ was amazing. I cared for two boys who are still a part of my life 5 years after finishing my job with them. Much similar to any job, it is the people who make it memorable and I worked for 2 parents who were (and still are) appreciative and supportive of the way I look after their children and as for the boys, simply two of the most amazing children I’ve ever had the pleasure of looking after. I loved the fact that my job was filled with laughter, diversity and exploration (I think we’ve been to every station on the Underground!) I feel childcare is my vocation and my time with the boys was more fun than hard work. Everyone who attends a training session with me hears a lot about the boys, they are very much an inspiration to my common core skills and knowledge training sessions.

Do you have previous experience teaching nannies?

My last role involved me creating and delivering training to child carers who were going to work abroad.

What kind of people attend the common core skills and knowledge training?

A diverse range of people come to common core skills and knowledge training sessions. I’ve had people who come from high flying office jobs which they’ve left behind in order to work in child care, there are Mums who want to get into nannying then there are people who been in childcare longer than me. People who attend the course come from a range of backgrounds which allows us (the group and I) to learn from varying cultures and experiences.

How do people apply what they have learnt during the common core skills course to their day job as nannies (and other professionals)?

When I am training I encourage discussion from the group and also share my experiences. With this form of interaction and teaching I aim is to simplify topics so they can be understood and applied into day to day care with ease.

People always comment on how much fun the course is. How do you keep the training fun?

I give a lot of myself in the training I deliver. I am serious when required and like to talk and have a laugh at all other times which is also true in my personal life. I think laughter puts people at ease and once people are at ease I believe they are more receptive to the situation they are in and are more likely to relax and take part. I try to challenge the group through case studies, discussion and activities as a lot of the time I think people underestimate how much they actually know.

Do nannies gain anything else from the common core skills and knowledge  training?

As a trainer my aim is to inspire people to be the best they can be. I’m very all or nothing in my life and I impress this upon all who attend sessions with me. I encourage everyone to be their version of fantastic. To me it would be silly being average if one has opportunity to be amazing.

For more information regarding the Babyem common core skills and knowledge training click HERE or feel free to contact Babyem on: 0208 986 9008 or email: info@babyem.co.uk. 



I encourage everyone to be their version of fantastic. To me it would be silly being average if one has opportunity to be amazing.