Our sleep diary template is on it's way to your inbox, and we know it will help you to successfully identify the right questions to ask your clients, and that’s a great first step.
But do you know how to use your sleep diary so that it’s not just about data mining and more about creating a dynamic change tool that enables clients to be part of their own solution? Where you can maximize your productivity and efficiency, significantly reducing your consultation time?
You can find out how to do that today...
Sleep Diary Secrets Workshop
Here’s what we’re sharing with you:
What questions to ask (and importantly when to ask them) in order to get to the heart of the issue, and better support your clients.
How to create a collaborative working partnership where your diary empowers your clients to become their own agents of change and be part of their own success story.
How to maximize your productivity and efficiency, significantly reducing your consultation time.
How to gather information about your client’s current level of need, so that you can prepare yourself emotionally and meet your client where they are at.
Be confident in knowing if the concern is part of a more systemic problem that needs to be referred on, in order to get the right care for your client and keep you professionally safe.